الأربعاء، 11 سبتمبر 2013

Do you think yourself like ( efheej)-true story - with picture

Do you think yourself like ( efheej)

A proverbs in Libya - was said when someone believes that the most courageous and aggressive - and said for every person who does not reckon any enemy - but many people did not know who is ( efheej ) - true story

efheej is a hero who resisted the Italian forces and achieved victory over these forces in many times - God says in the Quran ((and victory comes only from God)), Ali efheej al- Rumaithi al-Ferjani of the city of Tarhuna-- alforjan tribe

Quarreled (Ali efheej) with Italian soldiers - and was accompanied with Italian soldiers - some Libyan traitors - they the to take the to prison, but (Ali efheej) resisted his captors - and kill the
Since that day

Became (Ali efheej ) objection the Italian cars - and killing the Italian soldiers
 On the outskirts of Tarhuna even Anakazh area

In one of the days - garrison of Italian soldiers moved to catch him - and they surround him in one of hills  - where he strongly resisted - and was martyred in that battle
After the end of the battle - the soldiers went up to the (hill), which was efheej fighting them - and they did not find anyone - only (efheej) dead and his daughter is still alive
Where was his daughter - filling out the gunpowder to her father and he is fighting and resisting the italian soldiers
And Italian soldiers amazed when they knew that fighting is the father and daughter
It was the soldiers believe that there are large numbers of soldiers on the hill - and because of the severity of the resistance they faced
And the number of dead soldiers

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